
years I can't deny


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years I can't deny


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days I can't deny

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days I can't deny

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words I can't deny

When Zarathustra had spoken these words, he again looked at the people, and was silent. "There they stand," said he to his heart; "there they laugh: they understand me not; I am not the mouth for these ears.

Must one first batter their ears, that they may learn to hear with their eyes? Must one clatter like kettledrums and penitential preachers? Or do they only believe the stammerer?

They have something whereof they are proud. What do they call it, that which maketh them proud? Culture, they call it; it distinguisheth them from the goatherds.

They dislike, therefore, to hear of 'contempt' of themselves. So I will appeal to their pride.

I will speak unto them of the most contemptible thing: that, however, is THE LAST MAN!"

And thus spake Zarathustra unto the people:

It is time for man to fix his goal. It is time for man to plant the germ of his highest hope.


songs I can´t deny

Parole: Dalida
C'est étrange, je ne sais pas ce qui m'arrive ce soir
Je te regarde comme pour la première fois
Encore des mots toujours des mots les mêmes mots
Je ne sais plus comment te dire
Rien que des mots
Mais tu es cette belle histoire d'amour que je ne cesserai jamais de lire
Des mots faciles des mots fragiles c'était trop beau
Tu es d'hier et de demain
Bien trop beau
De toujours ma seule vérité
Mais c'est fini le temps des rêves
Les souvenirs se fanent aussi quand on les oublient
Tu es comme le vent qui fait chanter les violons
et emporte au loin le parfum des roses
Caramels, bonbons et chocolats
Par moments, je ne te comprends pas
Merci, pas pour moi mais
Tu peux bien les offrir à une autre
Qui aime le vent et le parfum des roses
Moi les mots tendres enrobés de douceur
Se posent sur ma bouche
Mais jamais sur mon cœur
Une parole encore

Paroles et paroles et paroles
Paroles et paroles et paroles
Je t'en prie
Paroles et paroles et paroles
Je te jure
Paroles et paroles et paroles et paroles
Paroles et encore des paroles que tu sèmes au vent

Voilà mon destin te parler, te parler comme la première fois
Encore des mots toujours des mots les mêmes mots
Comme j'aimerais que tu me comprennes
Rien que des mots
Que tu m'écoutes au moins une fois
Des mots magiques des mots tactiques qui sonnent faux
Tu es mon rêve défendu
Oui tellement faux
Mon seul tourment et mon unique espérance
Rien ne t'arrêtes quand tu commences
Si tu savais comme j'ai envie d'un peu de silence
Tu es pour moi la seule musique
qui fait danser les étoiles sur les dunes
Caramels, bonbons et chocolats
Si tu n'existais pas déjà... je t'inventerais
Merci pas pour moi, mais
Tu peux bien les offrir à une autre
qui aime les étoiles sur les dunes
Moi les mots tendres enrobés de douceur
Se posent sur ma bouche mais jamais sur mon cœur
Encore un mot juste une parole

Paroles et paroles et paroles
Paroles et paroles et paroles
Je t'en prie
Paroles et paroles et paroles
Je te jure
Paroles et paroles et paroles et paroles
Paroles et encore des paroles que tu sèmes au vent
Que tu es belle !
Paroles et paroles et paroles
Que tu est belle !
Paroles et paroles et paroles
Que tu es belle !
Paroles et paroles et paroles
Que tu es belle !
Paroles et paroles et paroles et paroles
Paroles et encore des paroles que tu sèmes au vent

bands I can´t deny

Cocorosie + Anthony


Poets I can't deny

Rómulo de Carvalho aka António Gedeão

Poema do Homem Novo

Niels Armstrong pôs os pés na Lua
e a Humanidade inteira saudou nele
o Homem Novo.
No calendário da História sublinhou-se
com espesso traço o memorável feito.

Tudo nele era novo.
Vestia quinze fatos sobrepostos.
Primeiro, sobre a pele, cobrindo-o de alto a baixo,
um colante poroso de rede tricotada
para ventilação e temperatura próprias.
Logo após, outros fatos, e outros e mais outros,
catorze, no total,
de película de nylon
e borracha sintética.
Envolvendo o conjunto, do tronco até os pés,
na cabeça e nos braços,
confusíssima trama de canais
para circulação dos fluidos necessários,
da água e do oxigénio.
A cobrir tudo, enfim, como um balão de vento,
um envólucro soprado de tela de alumínio.
Capacete de rosca, de especial fibra de vidro,
auscultadores e microfones,
e, nas mãos penduradas, tentáculos programados,
luvas com luz nos dedos.

Numa cama de rede, pendurada
da parede do módulo,
na majestade augusta do silêncio,
dormia o Homem Novo a caminho da Lua.

Cá de longe, na Terra, num borborinho ansioso,
bocas de espanto e olhos de humidade,
todos se interpelavam e falavam
do Homem Novo,
do Homem Novo,
do Homem Novo.

Sobre a Lua, Armstrong pôs finalmente os pés.
Caminhava hesitante e cauteloso,
pé aqui,
pé ali,
as pernas afastadas,
os braços insuflados como balões pneumáticos,
o tronco debruçado sobre o solo.

Lá vai ele.
Lá vai o Homem Novo
medindo e calculando cada passo,
puxando pelo corpo como bloco emperrado.

Mais um passo.
Mais outro.
Num sobrehumano esforço
levanta a mão sapuda e qualquer coisa nela.
Com redobrado alento avança mais um passo,
e a Humanidade inteira,
com o coração pequeno e ressequido,
viu, com os olhos que a terra há-de comer,
o Homem Novo espetar, no chão poeirento da Lua, a bandeira da sua Pátria,
exactamente como faria o Homem Velho.


old news I can't deny

They were toys destined only to bob up and down in nothing bigger than a child's bath - but so far they have floated halfway around the world.

The armada of 29,000 plastic yellow ducks, blue turtles and green frogs broke free from a cargo ship 15 years ago.

Since then they have travelled 17,000 miles, floating over the site where the Titanic sank, landing in Hawaii and even spending years frozen in an Arctic ice pack.

And now they are heading straight for Britain. At some point this summer they are expected to be spotted on beaches in South-West England.

While the ducks are undoubtedly a loss to the bath-time fun of thousands of children, their adventures at sea have proved an innvaluable aid to science

Read more:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-464768/Thousands-rubber-ducks-land-British-shores-15-year-journey.html#ixzz0M1rwXXNa

More details here (spanish)!

Original Ebbesmeyer website:


destiny I can´t deny

I'm sad today.
Good people should live forever...
We all will miss you.


remixes I can't deny

Donna Maria, Foi Deus

Paintings I can't deny

The Garden of Earthly Delights, Hyeronimous Bosch (2 October 1453August 9, 1516)

Where did Bosch got those strawberries from?
Begin of the surrealist painting developed 4 centuries after Bosch's death?


Letter I can´t deny

"Porto Seguro, Island of Vera Cruz, Brazil, 1 May 1500 – Letter from Pêro Vaz de Caminha to the King of Portugal, Manuel I. This is the first document describing the land and people of what became Brazil. It was written at the very moment of first contact with this new world. Pêro Vaz de Caminha was an official who had been commissioned to report on the voyage of the India-bound fleet commanded by Pedro Álvares Cabral. The Letter is a unique document because of the facts it narrates, the quality of its description of the people and territory and its account of cultural dialogue with a people unknown in Europe up to that time. It is rich in detail and shrewd observations that make us feel we are eyewitnesses of the encounter. Pêro Vaz de Caminha started his Letter on 24 April and finished it on 1 May, the date when one of the vessels of the fleet sailed for Lisbon to announce the good news to the King."

info took from the Unesco website

It is easy to read, full of details, feelings, stategy and the narrative is "I am there"! It´s just amazing!

Atention: After reading you will probably think you were part of the crew who first discovered Brazil!

The letter is here (Portuguese version) here (English version).


beauty I can´t deny

I spent the whole last 20 minutes trying to figure out which one I prefer and the answer is: both!



Landscape I can´t deny

The Irish one! Dingle Peninsula right on the west, west side!


loves i can´t deny

A full day in the countryside!


songs I can´t deny

God is an Astronault
Irish best!


mix it up I can´t deny

Oscar Wilde-Amália! Mix it up Irish can´t deny!

blogs I can't deny

(For portuguese speakers only)


business I can't deny

Invest money buying a house in Romenia!
( How many Oporto wine bottles would the burocracy cost?)


thoughts I can't deny

To say yes

To say yes to all your parents ideas is to deny them the previlege of being up to date, in a generational meaning. It is also living their generation, ignoring the present and all the conquers our generation got!

That's what I think as a daughter. I can understand that to a mother it would probably be easier to have a "yes mum" kid!


mix it up I can´t deny

Tried to mix Rodchenko's piece of art and the great Amalia singing a Fado. That's the result!


a free mind I can´t deny

António Joaquim Rodrigues Ribeiro
, (December 3, 1944June 13, 1984) was a Portuguese singer and songwriter. Despite his short-lived career, due to his premature death at the age of thirty-nine, he would, under the stage name of António Variações, become one of the most culturally significant performing artists of recent Portuguese history. His recorded works blended contemporary music genres with traditional Portuguese rhythms and melodies, creating music which for many is symbolic of the liberalization that occurred in Portuguese society after the Carnation Revolution of 1974. The original and provocative nature of his recorded works has led to him being widely recognized as one of the most innovative artists in the recent history of Portuguese popular music.


stupid things I can't deny

In the UK's election for the EU, the second most voted party defends the UK independence from EU. The UK Independent Party got better results that the actual Gordon Brown Labor party.

SEATS: 72 TURNOUT: 15,625,823 ELECTORATE: 45,315,669

4,198,394 votes
27.7(+1.0) %
*26 seats
UK Independence Party
2,498,226 votes
16.5(+0.3) %
13 seats

2,381,760 votes
15.7(-6.9) %
13 seats

What will the UK Independence Party claim in Europe? Independence?


beauty I can't deny

Amália Rodrigues singing Summertime composed by George Gershwin for the 1935 opera Porgy and Bess. The lyrics are by DuBose and Dorothy Heyward, and Ira Gershwin.

You´re challenged to send a better Summertime cover. Go for it!
